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Inscrevi-me no Amazon Associates Program, o que significa que qualquer compra que façam de produtos Amazon a partir de links neste blog reverterá numa pequena comissão para o seu autor. Por agora, deixo-vos com Indecent Exposure, de Tom Sharpe, que, provavelmente, tem o humor mais negro do que o fumo do Inferno. O que noutros é piada, em Sharpe é desprezo - e, engraçado, uma automática esperança - pela condição humana. E fiquem com isto:
Thoughout the night rumours that Piemburg had been invaded by hordes of self-detonating ostriches spread like wildfire. So did the ostriches. A particularly tragic incident occurred at the offices of the Zululand Wildlife Preservation Society where an ostrich which had been brought in by a bird-lover exploded while being examined by the society's vet.
"I think it's got some sort of gastric disorder", the man explained. The vet listened to the bird's crop with his stethoscope before making his diagnosis.
"Heartburn", he said with a finality that was entirely confirmed by the detonation that followed.
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