a guerra da altura
Não sabia nada desta Loudness War que o Julian Gough refere, mas a verdade é que compreendo perfeitamente aquilo de que ele está a falar.
Record companies want their albums to sound louder than the other guy's album, in shops, on your hi-fi, wherever, because people tend to think that the louder of two songs is the better of two songs. That’s just the way our brains are wired.Não deixem de ver o vídeo no final do post - clarifica tudo o que não tiverem percebido á primeira.
So record companies have been boosting the overall loudness of CDs. But there's a maximum loudness limit to the digital signal on a CD. Increasing the overall loudness increases the loudness of the quiet bits: but it doesn't (it can't) increase the loudness of the bits that were already at maximum loudness.
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